Description The German Shepherd is a large, muscular dog, weighing 60-140 pounds and measuring 22 to 26 from paw to shoulder with females slightly smaller than males. The ears are large and stand straight up, the eyes are dark and almond-shaped, and the nose is black. The neck is long, as well as the tail, which is set low and curves slightly.
The coat can be medium or long in length, but the medium-length variety is more widely accepted by shows. The coat is generally straight, though it can be slightly wavy. Color types include black, black and tan, and sable, cream, and white, though the cream and white varieties are not accepted by many breeders and registries. This breed's lifespan is 10-15 years.
Care and Feeding This breed requires no special diet and moderate grooming. It sheds throughout the year, needing weekly grooming, except in the summer, when shedding is more profuse and daily brushing is appropriate.
German shepherds need regular checkups. Vaccinations are due as follows:
- 6-8 weeks: Distemper, Leptospirosis, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvo, and Corona virus (DHLPPC)
- 10-12 weeks: Second DHLPPC
- 14-16 weeks: Third DHLPPC and rabies
- Annually: DHLPPC and rabies booster
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