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Friday, December 11, 2009

Basset Hound found in FRANCE

Family: Canidae

Description Basset Hounds are usually white in color, with black and tan, red, honey, or lemon markings. They have long, droopy ears, large heads, long muzzles, and loose skin. Males average 12-15 inches long and 50-60 pounds, while females are 11-14 inches long and 45-60 pounds.

Care and Feeding Basset Hounds thrive on foods containing poultry, lamb, wheat and corn. They are prone to bloat, so it is advisable to feed them three small meals each day.
They shed constantly, so regular brushing is important. They should be shampooed as needed, and their toenails need regular trimming. Basset Hound breeders often have their dog's dewclaws removed at around 3 days of age.
Annual checkups are recommended, and vaccinations should be administered as follows:

  • 6-8 weeks: Distemper, Leptospirosis, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvo, and Corona virus (DHLPPC)
  • 10-12 weeks: Second DHLPPC
  • 14-16 weeks: Third DHLPPC and rabies
  • Annually: DHLPPC and rabies booster

If you keep your Basset Hound indoors, regular vacuuming will be necessary. These dogs also have a distinct scent, so frequent cleaning of carpet and furniture is a must.

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