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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Albino Cory / Armored Catfish

Family: Callichthyidae
Care and feeding:   Since they are omnivores, the Albino Cory will generally eat all kinds of live, fresh, and flake foods. To keep a good balance give them a high quality sinking pellet or flake food everyday. Feed brine shrimp (either live or frozen) or blood worms as a treat.
Distribution:   The Paleatus Cory are found in the La Plata river in southeast Brazil.
Size - Weight:   The Albino Cory get up to 2.5 inches (7 cm).
Acceptable Water Conditions:   Hardness: 2-25° dGH   Ph: 6.0 to 8.0   Temperature: 72-79° F (22-26° C)
Breeding/Reproduction:   The Corydorus have a very interesting breeding routine. After bumping the male on the vent, the female will receive the males sperm into her mouth. She then discharges a few eggs which she catches and clasps with her ventral fins. Then the female will swim around and deposit a bit of sperm and just a few eggs at a time in select spots, such as a strong plant, the heater tube or ever the aquarium glass. When she has runs out of sperm, she will go back to the male and repeat the process until the spawn is complete. See the description of how to breed these fish in Breeding Freshwater Fish

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sphynx Cats

Family: Felidae

Common Name(s)
    Sphynx, Canadian Hairless Cat, the Moon Cat, the Wrinkled Cat, the Birthday Suit Cat, Chat sans Poils (French name)

     The Sphynx is a medium-sized, elongated, muscular cat. The body is well-rounded and fully muscular. The back is slightly arched. The legs are in proportion with the body and well-muscled. The tail length is also proportionate with the body. It is slender, and tapering. The head is medium-sized, angular, and slightly triangular. The eyes are large, lemon-shaped, wide-set, and slightly slanted upward toward the ears, which are very large and wide-set. They live to be 10-15 years old and weigh 6-11 pounds.
The main defining feature of the Sphynx is, of course its coat, or lack there-of. The Sphynx is known as being hairless, but that is not completely true. It is covered in fine down, making it feel like a warm peach or suede fabric. Short, fine hair is sometimes present on the tail, feet, nose, and cheekbones. Wrinkled skin is desirable, but not excessively. The Sphynx is accepted in all color variations, which can be seen in the skin pigmentation and fine hair.

Care and Feeding
    The Sphynx eats a lot more than other cats of similar body size, in order to help regulate body temperature.

    The average litter size for this breed is 4 kittens. Females have difficulties rearing kittens.